
Special Car Hire Deals

Lowest price guarantee

Thank you for choosing JustCarHire - you won't be disappointed. We work directly with the leading car rental companies in South Africa to bring you the best prices for your car rental. We are constantly working with our suppliers to ensure that we have the best deals available and we monitor the market to ensure our prices cannot be beaten.

In the unlikely event that you should find a lower price on another website within 7-days of your reservation, we will beat it and refund you the difference.

Simply contact us, with all the relevant information and one of our reservation consultants will be right on it.
Terms & Conditions

The JustCarHire guarantee applies to pre-paid car rentals on like-for-like car rental by other independent car rental operators using the same supplier. It does not apply to rentals for which competitors are offering "not immediately available" reservations. It is valid within 7-days of placing your reservation and does not apply to promotional offers and the cost of optional extra's such as additional drivers or GPS devices.

About Rwanda Car Hire Specials Our car hire deals page lists Rwanda Car Rental hire specials. Our sales team is constantly on the lookout for money saving car rental specials and the best car hire deals from our rental affiliates, when we secure car hire specials we’ll post them on this page. Our Range of Car Rental Deals Compare car rental deals from our collection of specials where you’ll find savings, cheap car rental deals and discount car rental. Look out for: • Airport car rental deals • One-way car rental deals • Long-term car hire discounts • Car hire specials • Weekend car rental deals




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